Support for college students and adults with ADHD.  Language Arts and Math Instruction.


I provide specialized academic instruction, using research-based methods and materials, that is designed to remediate deficits in the basic skill areas of reading, writing, and mathematics.  I also provide support to students who need assistance with executive functioning, including organization, planning and time management, study skills, and effective usage of learning strategies.  Due to their learning challenges, my students typically fail to benefit from large group instruction, and over time, their academic achievement falls below their grade level.  These same students can make academic gains and achieve at grade level when academic, non-academic, and socio-emotional factors are properly addressed.  My students range in age from those beginning their education in the early elementary grades through those starting college.  Students are taught via programs that are individualized to meet their specific needs and maintain their interests.  They learn specific strategies that are applied to carefully planned academic tasks.  This process provides students with the skills needed to become active participants in the learning process by learning how to learn rather than simply what to learn.

​Services for college students focus on addressing Executive Function challenges, including planning, prioritization, organization, and consistent strategy application.  Interventions are designed to help students develop the patterns and routines necessary for self-regulation and academic success. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Timebound) goals may be created for each student and are linked to personalized metrics that track key behaviors essential for monitoring progress.  Support may also include personalized guidance on effective technology use, such as online calendars and document management tools.  Additionally, some students benefit from identifying and addressing instances where technology use negatively impacts their productivity and overall success.  The approach combines foundational principles of learning, reinforcement, and motivation theory with elements of coaching and positive psychology to promote personal growth, sustained progress, and long-term success.

​​Areas of Expertise:

  • Mathematics
  • Reading
  • Written Expression
  • Handwriting
  • Executive Function Issues​ (including Organization, Planning and Time Management, Study Skills, and Effective Usage of Learning Strategies)
  • Academic Assessment
  • Test Preparation


My goal is to assist students in learning and applying strategies that will allow them to remediate gaps in their math learning and develop a firm foundation on which to continue growing.  Individualized programs for either remediation (working to catch up to grade level) or enrichment (working to stay ahead and excel to their highest potential) are available for students working at the following levels:

Elementary, Middle School, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry.

Skill deficits are remediated using direct, explicit, systematic instruction that is combined with best practices and research-based intervention strategies. 


The reading programs that I use all employ various forms of visual, auditory, and tactile/ kinesthetic methodologies that have been shown to be effective with learning-disabled and dyslexic students.

  • Seeing Stars: Symbol Imagery for Phonemic Awareness, Sight Words, and Spelling
  • Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing (LiPS) Program
  • Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking (V/V)
  • Read Naturally
  • And others

Students learn to build up their missing foundational skills in:

Phonemic Awareness

Scarborough Model of Reading

Written Expression:

Students are taught to grasp the basic skills for sentence, paragraph, and essay construction depending on their individual needs and level of skill development.  Strategies and methods also address how to improve spelling.


Multi-sensory techniques and specialized materials customized to the individual student are used for teaching young writers how to construct letter formations correctly.

Executive Functions:

Success in school is highly dependent upon the ability to self-regulate behavior.  Specific thinking skills must be used to select and achieve goals, as well as develop solutions to problems.  Any breakdown in the areas of organization, planning and time management, study skills, and effective usage of learning strategies is identified and remediated. 

Academic Assessment:

​Discussed on an individual basis. 

Test Preparation: 

I have extensive experience helping students prepare for the following tests: ERB, ISEE, SSAT, PSAT, SAT, and more!

Educational Therapy Services:
Academic Remediation - Dyslexia, Reading, Writing, Mathematics Skills
Executive Function Support
Academic Assessment
Test Preparation